undergrad @ ubc
specialization in Combined Major in Science
some courses I've taken and are taking:
- CPSC 110: Systematic Program Design (DrRacket, Recursion)
- CPSC 121: Models of Computation (Logic)
- CPSC 210: Software Construction (Java)
- CPSC 213: Introduction to Computer Systems (Assembly and C)
- CPSC 221: Data Structures and Algorithms (Academic Leetcode)
- CPSC 304: Relational Databases (Oracle DB) -> class project: ubc donut
- MATH 100: Differential Calculus w/ Physics applications (Calc 1)
- MATH 101: Integral Calculus w/ Physics applications (Calc 2)
- MATH 200: Multivariable Calculus (Calc 3)
- MATH 221: Linear algebra
- STAT 200: Elementary Statistics for Applications (Intro Stats, R)
- PHYS 118: Electricity, Light and Radiation
- PHYS 119: Experimental Physics Lab I (Lab course, Jupyter)
- PHYS 200: Relativity and Quanta
- PHYS 219: Another lab course
- PHYS 333: Environment stuff
- ATSC 113: Atmospheric Science
18 transfer credits from IB (for physics, english, and economics courses)